by Staff | Jan 15, 2025 | Laser Skin Treatments
How Does Laser Hair Removal Work? Laser Hair Removal is a light-based technology that uses pulses of light to remove unwanted hair. This light-based treatment uses full-spectrum and low-range infrared light to target the melanin found in hair and skin. Melanin...
by Staff | Jan 15, 2021 | HCG Diet
What is HCG? Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is the “pregnancy hormone” – that is, the hormone that registers a “plus sign” on a pregnancy test. It increases through the first three months then declines and levels off for the remainder of the pregnancy. HCG is a...
by Staff | Jan 1, 2021 | Monthly Newsletter
Fresh Faced For a New Year Microdermabrasions are one of the best treatments to exfoliate and freshen dull, dry, and tired skin. Additionally, as a micro-resurfacing treatment, microdermabrasion is great for acne scars and certain types of hyperpigmentation. Unlike...